
The Week In Review (1/22/07-1/28/07)

These are the best and the worst, the moments, the sights, the sounds and the frolicking of note for the past seven days.

Blazer and replacement button - $11.00
Brown leather saddle shoes - $6.00
Blue jeans - $4.50
Finding more excuses to hit up thrift stores and look great doing it- priceless

Movie of the Week:
Wordplay (documentary)- Actually it was the only movie I watched all week so winner by default. The most notable moment was watching a former crossword champion struggle with social angst and yet brim with self confidence as it pertained to her wording accomplishments all while honing her baton twirling skills. I feel if I watched this movie simultaneously with either of the Trekkie documentaries I would come to a moment were the same person appears on both screens at the same time. If I was high and played The Wall at the beginning of this experiment my eyeballs might suck back into my skull and vacate my head through my ears.

Most Confounding Moment
I was on break from my Genealogy class (yes, genealogy) and had made my way to the cafeteria to get some coffee. Classes are being held at night in a local technical high school that oddly enough sits on the same property as a shooting range and one of the world's largest composting facilities (another story on to itself). I enter the cafeteria to find a dog obedience class being held. I counted fourteen dogs, the same number of hapless handlers and three piles of poo. Fleas and dog smells filled the very room that food and beverage were not only being provided but also prepared. I wanted desperately to jot this moment down but I didn't have any paper or writing utensils as they were back in the classroom that was now locked for the duration of the allotted break time because we are apparently all seven years old inside and cannot be trusted.

Best TV:
Toss up. Top Chef on Bravo aired the first part of the two part season finale. My wife and I are big fans of the show because even though it is Reality TV they don't spend too much time on the drama and leave 90% of the air time to the food. This first part of the finale lived up to all expectations so it's gets a nod. The other nod goes to Robot Chicken. Voltron gets served and Mongoose: Nature's Assassin is all I need say.

The Week In Music:
Coley's Pick - Rocco Delucca and The Burden: I Trust You To Kill Me
I also found out this week that anyone who performs or wants to perform and claims over and over again to be "unique" generally either sound bad or are about as original as Cheerios.

Best Food:
Whoopie Pies. Mom makes'm you love'm. They have nothing to do with washed up comics dropping a deuce.

Worst Food:
Fontina cheese on a bagel chip while driving. My wife and I are lucky to be alive.

Most Surreal Moment:
Passing by an open fire hydrant filled with garbage that easily could have been set ablaze. Then imagining the confusion of firefighters having to find another fire hydrant to put out the flames in a fire hydrant.

Fat Coley Weight Watch:
This Week - Charmingly Chunky
Last Week - Slightly Sloppy
Down ten pounds and in a whole new category!

McGod Passage of the Week:
It's not that the grass is always greener on the other side, it's probably just browner on yours.

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